- The project can be submitted in any field including Robotics, Softwares, Solar, Wind and Electronic Based Devices.
- Participants should mail their full project details and the Abstract preferably in ".doc” format.
Subject of the mail to be sent should follow the format: < Department- Area - Title of the project>
Eg. <MECH-ROBOTICS-RATBOTS> - The selected entries will be informed via e-mail and they would have to send replies confirming their participation.
Project details should be in the following format:
- The first sheet should contain title of the project, names of the team members and their respective institutes.
Project details sheets:
Ø Heading : Times New Roman, uppercase, bold, Underlined,14 size
Ø Body Text : Times New Roman, Normal, and 12 size
Ø Line Spacing : 1.5 mm
Ø Margin : 1.5 inches in all the sides
Ø Page Number : Bottom middle
- The last sheet may have a list of references – websites, Books, Journals and so on which amply support the ideas or solutions implemented/proposed.
Rules & Regulations
Ø The projects should be submitted to :
Ø Maximum members /team : 4 Nos.
Ø Details to maintain by the : College ID Card, Participants
Conformation mail Copy.
- The papers only in the prescribed format will be considered for first level screening.
- Those who are qualified in the screening round based on the Abstract shall be invited to JAYAM campus for the final round.
- Participants should exhibit their projects on both days 24th & 25th September 2010.
- The decision of the judges shall be treated as final and binding on all.
The organizers reserve the rights to change any of the above rules.
Dates to Remember: Dead line to submit the project : 15-09-2010 Intimation of selected projects : 17-09-2010 Project exhibition date : 24th and 25th September 2010.
Event Manager
Sarun Babu - +91 8148829849